+264 (0)61 252922

P.O. Box 40497, Windhoek, Namibia


From the unusual to the survivor

For many a tourist or frequent visitor, the question arises, whether it is in the diversity of the many biotopes of Namibia or whether Noah’s Arch has made a pit stop to allow for a true paradise of wildlife in Namibia. You name it and you are sure to see it here in Namibia.

Animals of the desert areas

To the West of the country, where the Atlantic Ocean borders Namibia, you can enjoy from the largest wale and other sea creatures right up to protozoans. And what better experience and treat to be visited on deck by a seal while taking a Catamaran cruise. Even while taking a leisurely stroll along the beach the multiplicity of seashells, jellyfish, sea stars and sea birds are sure to enrich your walk.

Moving slightly inland you will encounter the oldest and driest desert of the world, the spectacular Namib Desert. Even here the visitor is surprised to find an array of well adapted Desert animals and creatures. From the long legged, black “Tok-Tokkie”, who is known to “drum” with his abdomen to invite a female, to the colourful Agama, who constantly has to stay alert and avoid the sand viper hidden in the dune sand. All of this can be observed with a little patience in a peaceful and tranquil environment.

A few ephemeral rivers snake their way through the desert, which after good rain fall in the highlands, deliver fresh water on their way to the ocean. These rivers are the connection and “Hot Spots” for the various biotopes. In this area you will find four of the ‘Big Five’ and also surprisingly all the different type of Antelope, which are usually found on the plateau. Nothing would be as unusual but to suddenly see an Elephant next to the road or a curious Giraffe trying to see into your car. Or even more exiting, see a rare Rhino come charging through the bushes and see a herd of dainty Springbok pose for that rare photo opportunity.

For those on safari sitting in the evening around a campfire, it is not an uncommon to hear the roar of a lion out on the prowl followed by the throaty laughter of a hyena and soulful call of the jackal. A night symphony long to be remembered and treasured.

Animals of the savannah

A watershed divides Namibia from the Etosha Pan in the North, right around Windhoek, down to the Orange River in the South. Depending on the yearly rainfall, you will encounter the vast and beautiful grasslands in the South. In the North and East to the country far reaching Savannah’s spread themselves wide, an area usually utilised by agriculture for cattle and sheep. This part of the country is also home to almost all antelope, predators, birds, and smaller game.

Animals of the water-rich north of Namibia

The Northeast of Namibia borders with ever flowing large rivers. Here you will find Hippopotamus and Crocodile. In the lush floodplains you can watch the shy Letchwe, the ever alert Sitatunga, Buffalo and Elephant. For the bird enthusiast this area is a must as you can watch geese, duck, cormorant, cranes and many more.

Nature & wildlife conservation in Namibia

As Namibians we are proud to treasure our natural, renewable resources, but also to draw benefit from them. This carries a serious responsibility with it to conserve and sustain our natural Fauna. Namibia is proud to say that it has exercised this concept extremely successful. At the end of the day it is the responsibility of the landowner to manage and ensure a healthy balance and co-existence is kept in the animal kingdom on his land. This in turn has ensured that Namibia can proudly present an ever-steady increase and balance of all species. Conservation means management, sustainability, and balance of wildlife.

The Motto for Namibians is to ensure that our unique wildlife is sustained and to be enjoyed for generations to come.
Enjoy with us one of the last animal kingdom frontiers!